How to Read The Bible

The S.O.A.P.S. Reading Method

Just like you would with any good relationship you're building, the more time you spend with them, the closer you become. The same applies to our faith life.

S.O.A.P.S is a great tool for followers of Christ to use every day to spend time in The Bible and with God. Reading the Bible daily, and applying it, is essential to growing in our faith. Use this practical tool to easily get in The Word.
Take one of our soaps topics and do 1 scripture a day.


Read a short Bible passage out loud and/ or write it out.


What do you notice about the verses? What do you think the main message is? What verses, words or ideas jump out to you?


Ask God how he wants you to apply the verse to your own life.


Pray for yourself and/or for others.


Share what you have learned with at least one other person


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Reaching others for Jesus