Spiritual Gifts
What is a Spiritual Gift?
A unique capacity, given by the Holy Spirit to each believer, to manifest his presence through you for service to the church (small or large) that helps fulfill the mission of making more and better disciples.
How to discover and claim your spiritual gifts
01. Realize you have one.
02. Learn What they are.
03. Pray.
04. Ask Discerning Questions.
05. Affirm your gift in community.
06. Experience over time.
Discerning Questions
Below are a list of spiritual gifts. Write down what gifts you feel resonate with you and follow the 3 star guidelines below.
⭐️ Mark One Star for a Spiritual Gift that you have used in the past.
⭐️⭐️ Mark Two Stars for a Spiritual Gift you have utilized multiple times.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Mark Three Stars for a Spiritual Gift you have utilized multiple times and have seen it have an impact on others.
Spiritual Gifts
The gift of administration is the God-given ability to organize, coordinate, and oversee the affairs and activities of a church or ministry effectively, providing leadership, direction, and stewardship to fulfill God's purposes and advance His kingdom.
The gift of apostleship is the God-given ability to suffer well while sending and equipping leaders that start disciple-making ministries and movements leading to new churches, the spread of the Gospel and accomplishing the mission of God.
The gift of distinguishing spirits is the God-given ability to recognize and discern different spiritual influences, including the presence of God, demonic activity, and human spirits, enabling believers to perceive spiritual realities beyond the natural realm for the purpose of protecting, guiding, and edifying themselves and others in the body of Christ.
The gift of evangelism is the God-given ability and passion to proclaim the Gospel message effectively to others leading them to faith in Jesus Christ and nurturing their growth as disciples while being sensitive to the Holy Spirit and context.
The gift of encouragement is the God-given ability to come alongside others to offer comfort, support, motivation, and counsel, helping them to grow in their faith and be resilient in their spiritual journey.
The gift of faith is the God-given ability to trust in God's promises, power, and character with unwavering confidence, even in the face of difficulties, uncertainties, or impossibilities to see God do what God has said he will do.
The gift of generosity is the God-given ability to contribute one's resources liberally and joyfully, with a heart of love and compassion, to meet the needs of others and to support the mission and work of the church.
The gift of healing is the God-given ability to pray for and minister to individuals who are sick or suffering, trusting in God's power to bring about restoration and wholeness in their physical, emotional, relational or spiritual well-being.
The Spirit given ability to selflessly meet the needs of others in such a way that they feel unburdened and comforted, especially during times of crisis.
The gift of intercession is the God-given ability and calling to pray fervently and persistently on behalf of others, bringing their needs, concerns, and desires before God's throne of grace, and partnering with Him in His redemptive purposes and plans.
The interpretation of tongues is the God-given ability to understand and convey the meaning of messages spoken in tongues, enabling believers to interpret and communicate God's message to the church for edification, encouragement, and instruction.
The gift of leadership is the God-given ability to receive and give vision from God and to inspire, direct, and oversee the work of others in the church, guiding them towards the fulfillment of the mission of God and the effective functioning of the local church.
The gift of mercy is the God-given ability to deeply empathize with those who are in pain or suffering and to act compassionately to alleviate their distress, demonstrating Christ's love and compassion through practical deeds of kindness.
The gift of miracles is the God-given ability to perform extraordinary signs and wonders that go beyond natural explanations, demonstrating God's power and presence and validating His message, particularly in the context of evangelism and mission.
The gift of pastoring is the God-given ability and calling to care for and nurture the spiritual well-being of others within the Christian community, providing guidance, protection, support, and care to help believers grow in their faith and relationship with Jesus Christ.
The Spirit given ability to foretell or forthtell an immediate divine message from God to a person or group of people that reveals God’s priorities, unlocks mysteries and edifies disciples by strengthening, encouraging and comforting them. Prophecy also convicts unbelievers of sin and lays bare their hearts.
The Spirit given ability to meet the broader needs of the church through supporting and assisting others through doing administrative tasks as well as organizing events, overseeing logistics and managing resources.
The gift of teaching is the God-given ability and passion to explain and communicate the truths of Scripture in a clear, understandable, and impactful manner, enabling believers to grow in their knowledge, understanding, and application of God's Word.
The gift of tongues is the God-given ability to speak in languages unknown to the speaker, whether human languages or heavenly languages, for the purpose of prayer, praise, or communication with God and, when accompanied by interpretation, for the edification of the church.
The gift of the word of knowledge is the God-given ability to receive and communicate specific, factual information revealed by the Holy Spirit, which is not obtained through natural means, to provide insight, encouragement, or direction to individuals or the church.
The gift of the word of wisdom is the God-given ability to discern and communicate profound spiritual insights and practical applications of biblical truths, offering wise counsel and guidance that helps others navigate life's challenges and make godly decisions.